Hi all, I have an application that has many "features" (or plugins, or extensions, or bundles, or whatever, but I'll call it "feature" for uniqueness sake), which are subsets of the app that may or may not be bundled into the application, depending on the customer it will be shipped to.
What I'm looking for is to have a very Eclipse-like directory structure: MyApp/features/my_first_feature_1.0.0/root/ MyApp/features/my_first_feature_1.0.0/lib/Controller MyApp/features/my_first_feature_1.0.0/lib/Model MyApp/features/my_first_feature_1.0.0/lib/View MyApp/features/another_feature_1.2.0/root/ MyApp/features/another_feature_1.2.0/lib/Controller MyApp/features/another_feature_1.2.0/lib/Model MyApp/features/another_feature_1.2.0/lib/View The idea is that modules contained in features should not be aware that they are in a feature, but work like they are in the default /lib or /root. I think the /lib part can probably be setup using this: __PACKAGE__->config( setup_components => { search_extra => [ @features ] } ); With a little bit of code to fillup @features correctly, and some @INC tweaking... But how about the /root part? Can mixed-up root dirs be seen as a single root dir easily? cheers, rodrigo
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