On 28 Jun 2009, at 16:50, Gunnar Strand wrote:
Thanks for th tip! I'll see if I can nail it down - the template structure isn't just that one file - I am using the "wrapper" support in TT.

Right. I'd start by blanking the actual template, which will at least tell you if it's the template or the wrapper, and work from there..

Is there any way of running the server in a debugger or to turn tracing on? Can I send a signal to it to get it to dump a stack trace somehow? Any attempt I've made so far just results in nothing or segmentation faults.

well, I guess something like: $SIG{WINCH} = sub { Carp::cluck('here'); }

+ a SIGWINCH might be helpful.

Or just alarm(3); in your controller action - should cause an exception (and so stack trace in debug mode) after 3s..

I don't understand why you're seeing segfaults. What version of Catalyst are you using, what is your perl -V, and do you have the latest version of Variable::Magic installed? Also, if you could attach gdb and get the catalyst process to segfault, then a backtrace from c land could be useful.


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