On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 1:28 AM, Aristotle Pagaltzis <pagalt...@gmx.de>wrote:

> * seasproc...@gmail.com <seasproc...@gmail.com> [2009-06-23 03:00]:
> > Thanks for your suggestion, but I'm pretty sure that the data
> > is not getting encoded twice. C::V::JSON tests the data before
> > it encodes ( Encode::is_utf8() ) and only encodes if this test
> > is true. This test only passes if the data is decoded.
> Augh! Augh! Why do people keep reading stuff into the UTF8 flag
> that it doesn’t mean. (Yeah, I know why, because it’s called the
> UTF8 flag when it should’ve been the UOK flag or something.) You
> can have decoded data with the UTF8 flag off, and you can have
> encoded data with the UTF8 flag on.

(Sorry to be so slow to reply. I wanted to find time to fully investigate
this, but haven't.)

The Encode docs state:

# When you encode, the resulting UTF8 flag is always off.
# When you decode, the resulting UTF8 flag is on unless you can
unambiguously represent data [as ASCII].

I was interpreting this to apply to all encoding/decoding -- but I now
realize that it may only apply to the Encode package. Which really just
leaves me more confused .. :)

> My suspicion is that I don't really understand what's happening

> > inside sqlite -- I assume it's storing as UTF-8, but I don't
> > really know what it's doing.
> Try Devel::Peek to examine the strings that come out of it?

I used Devel::StringInfo and found:

[info] string: Madrid Alarcón
is_utf8: 0
octet_length: 15
valid_utf8: 1
decoded_is_same: 0
  octet_length: 15
  downgradable: 1
  char_length: 14
  string: Madrid Alarc
  is_utf8: 1
raw = <<Madrid Alarcón>>

I did not draw any brilliant conclusions from this, although I'm curious why
the decoded version has the non-ASCII char cut off.

At this point, obviously, I need to find the time to dig in further. Thanks
for your thoughts!

> Regards,
> --
> Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>
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