On 8 Jul 2009, at 18:01, Paul Makepeace wrote:

You know it's dieing inside TT, right? So you can Data::Dumper the input
which causes it to die to a file, write a program that instantiates
View::TT, calls ->render with the same input (and template), and that should
crap out in the same way?

Ya, I was kinda hoping you wouldn't say this, and that there was a way
to catch whatever was happening in Catalyst or trace the execution
path to get to the point where the things actually dieing.

Well, start by throwing Devel::SimpleTrace, or Carp::Always at it to get a strack trace.

MyApp::View::TT->render is going to get called, so add something like this to that class:

use Data::Dumper;
sub render {
    my ($self, $c, $template, $args) = @_;
    local $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = 4;
    warn Dumper([$template, $args]);
    $self->next::method($c, $template, $args);

increase Maxdepth if needed until it pukes..

You should literally be able to dump the Dumper glob into a .t file, and build a test around it....

use MyApp;
use MyApp::View::TT;

my $view = MyApp::View::TT->new(%config_your_app_gives_TT_view);
my $VAR! = # Dumper crap here

my ($template, $args) = @$VAR1;

$view->render('MyApp', $template, $args); # Should blow up, in the 'correct' way..

Cutting template / data down to smallest replicable size and throwing away Catalyst app and using raw TT should be easy from there forwards :)

Another thought - have you tried disabling the XS stash for TT? (IIRC there is an env var to do this) and seeing if that affects the crash?


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