On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 12:30 PM, mrchips <mailli...@aspiretools.co.uk>wrote:

> >Which tutorial are you following, exactly?  The Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial
> >is using DBIx::Class and I've yet to see any Catalyst tutorial that uses
> >Class::DBI.
> sorry, i'm not following any tutorial. I just meant that one of the
> downloadable tutorial projects (which doesn't do much beyond a bit of
> 'Hello
> World'), even that wont start with Class::DBI on my system...even though it
> doesn't do any DB access. I was just describing that CDBI wont start up in
> any application i try on my system, however small or complext it is.
> I have a relatively vanilla install Centos 5.3, and i installed catalyst
> through CPAN, as per:
> perl -MCPAN -e 'install Task::Catalyst'
Few people use Class::DBI as their ORM these days, especially on conjunction
with Catalyst.  It is highly likely you're going to debug this on your own
(and please submit a patch).

I would highly recommend using DBIx::Class, though.  It has a CDBI
compatibility layer, as well.

That's what most people who use an ORM with Catalyst choose, for many

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