On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 12:09 PM, Ovid<publiustemp-catal...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> This should be painfully obvious, but I don't see it :)
> For a personal project, I want users to be able to click on a letter and get 
> a list of countries starting with that letter.  I can do this:
>    my $letters = $c->model('DB')->storage->dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
>        'select distinct(substr(name,1,1)) as letter from country order by 
> letter'
>    );
>    $c->stash->{letters} = $letters;
> But the country list is static and I want this available at startup.  'sub 
> begin' fails because that's called once per request, not once per app.
> What's the recommend way of handling this?  (I'm using DBIx::Class for the 
> model)

package MyApp::Model::DB;

extends 'Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema';

has country_letters => (isa => 'ArrayRef', is => 'ro', lazy_build => 1);

sub _build_country_letters {
  my($self) = @_;
  return $self->storage->dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
    'select distinct(substr(name,1,1)) as letter from country order by letter'

sub BUILD { shift->country_letters } # optionally, force load-time construction

# in a distant controller

$c->stash->{letters} = $c->model('DB')->country_letters;

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