I have recently updated my Catalyst installation from 5.71001 to version 5.80007 and have made one of my websites completely unusable. I followed the instructions in the tutorial ( http://search.cpan.org/~hkclark/Catalyst-Manual-5.8000/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/04_BasicCRUD.pod) to update the database to use load_components and have updated my schema files to match. However, when I go to my site I get the following error message:
DBIx::Class::ResultSet::next(): DBI Connection failed: Can't connect to data source 'HASH(0x9e139e0)' because I can't work out what driver to use (it doesn't seem to contain a 'dbi:driver:' prefix and the DBI_DRIVER env var is not set) at /home/me/local/share/perl/5.8.4/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm line 840 My connection string looks OK and matches the tutorial's example code: __PACKAGE__->config( schema_class => 'wppig::Schema', connect_info => [ 'dbi:SQLite:wppig.db3', ], ); Debugging says the piece of code that it's hanging on looks like this: my $result = $c->model('DB::Result::Tag')->search( { }, { join => { 'items_tag' => 'tag' } } ); while ( my $tag = $result->next ) { # Hangs here $tag_count{ $tag->tag }++; } So it looks like the class is loading but I can't do anything with the ResultSet. Any idea of why this is failing? Did I miss a step somewhere in the conversion? I'd be happy to provide more information if needed. Thanks in advance for your help. Collin Condray @ccondray condray.net
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