On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 11:10 PM, Daniel Austin<daniel.aus...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> How are you handling configuration for applications or code that run
> outside of Catalyst?
> For example, in my model tests, I have code like this:
>    use MyCompany::CatApp;
>    my $app = MyCompany::CatApp->new();
>    my $model = $app->model('DB::Model')->new({});
>    ok( $model->insert );
> etc.
> This way the model tests are talking to the right database as
> configured for that environment. But it seems slow to run and it's not
> the right coupling if I have, say, a cronjob that wants to use the
> same models.
> Are there any patterns anyone can recommend?

Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema is just an adaptor for loading a
DBIC::Schema inside a catalyst application. You can "use
MyApp::Schema::DB" anywhere outside your catalyst application, see
DBIx::Class::Schema for how to connect your schema to a database
backend without the help of C::M::DBIC::Schema.

Besides that, I've just finished writing code for $work that does a
few hacks to use Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader outside the context of
a catalyst application. it's a temporary solution, my opinion is that
there should be an external module for use by any application, not
just cat, and the plugin should just hook that module into Catalyst.

   Eden Cardim       Need help with your Catalyst or DBIx::Class project?
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