On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 1:26 PM, Bernhard Graf <cataly...@augensalat.de>wrote:

> These plugins hook into prepare_parameters() to decode data.
> Why does it leave query_- and body_parameters untouched?

Always seemed like a bug to me.


I wonder about something like this, although might be cases where there's
something in there that should not be decoded.

after 'prepare_body_parameters' => sub {
    my $c = shift;

    my $v = Data::Visitor::Callback->new(
        ignore_return_values => 1,
        value                => sub {
            $_ = decode_utf8( $_, $CHECK ) unless Encode::is_utf8( $_ );

    $v->visit( $c->req->body_parameters );


Although I have cryptic notes elsewhere where I had problems with
Data::Visitor.  Hum, should have taken better notes.

Bill Moseley
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