Aristotle Pagaltzis schrieb:

>> While this fixes the problem, it is still unclear, why the utf8
>> flag is set for the whole buffer.
> It shouldn’t matter.

But it does.

>> So Ladies and Gentleman, may I present you the culprit? It is
>> YAML::XS! Everything read by YAML::XS
>> perl -MYAML::XS -E '
>> my $config = YAML::XS::LoadFile("myapp.yml");
>> say((utf8::is_utf8($config->{name}) ? "is" : "is not"), " utf8");
>> '
>> is utf8
> No, that’s not the culprit.
> The culprit is Catalyst::Engine::FastCGI, which does not pay
> attention to the UTF8 flag.

Obviously YAML::XS doesn't do that either.

But aside from that I agree with you, that something ist broken in
F(ast)CGI. It seems more that F(ast)CGI pays attention to the utf8 flag
where it shouldn't, because it seems to automatically utf8::encode the
buffer due to the set utf8 flag.

> No. YAML::XS is completely correct.

No, it is not. Because it claims:

  This module exports the functions Dump and Load. These functions are
  intended to work exactly like's corresponding functions.

And that's not the case. And therefore you can't use it as a
drop-in-replacement for other YAML modules.

Bernhard Graf

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