On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 8:31 AM, J. Shirley <jshir...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The documentation seems quite sparse, but if you look at the source it
> just essentially does:
>    my $locator = Module::Pluggable::Object->new(
>        search_path => [ map { s/^(?=::)/$class/; $_; } @paths ],
>        %$config
>    );
> If you have MyApp->config->{search_extra} = [ 'Foo::Controller',
> 'Foo::Model' ]; it should DTRT.

It almost works, but it sets up actions for both controllers using each
controller's class.

That is, if I start application Bar and pass in search_extra => [qw/
Foo::Controller / ] then indeed actions from Foo::Controller::* will get
added to the application.

But, they are added with the Foo:: namespace.  that is, that controller is
not a parent-class of Bar::Controller::*.

It also means I can't easly overide.  If I have hello() in both thes


I then get:

[debug] Loaded Path actions:
| Path                                | Private
| /                                   | /index
| /                                   | /index
| /                                   | /default
| /                                   | /default
| /whatever/hello                     | /whatever/hello
| /whatever/hello                     | /whatever/hello
| /whatever/howdy                     | /whatever/howdy

So, I guess what I really would like is a way to have it load the Foo::*
modules but register their actions in the associated Bar:: namespace
so that /whatever/hello calls Bar::Whatever::hello but Foo::Whatever is the
parent class if hello() doesn't exist in Bar.

(That sentense make sense?)

I guess that means when Foo::Controller::Whatever is found, register the
actions in the Bar::Whatever namespace and push Foo::Whatever onto

The problem I'm looking at is rebranding applications.  In the past I've
managed to modify config based on, say, domain name and use a different root
(for templates, css, images, etc.)  But, over time the application has to be
forked due to changes in code.  But, 90% of the controller code is still the
same between the two applications.

So, it would be handy to say, this application inheits from Foo, but these
with a few methods added or overridden.

Bill Moseley
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