On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 9:18 PM, Meeko <meeko.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Has anyone successfully got Catalyst::View::Thumbnail to work?  I'm trying
> to add this to my app to create thumbnails on the fly for me so I don't have
> to make them ahead of time with Image::Magick.
> So, I'm following the guide from this page here:
>  http://perl.jonallen.info/writing/articles/creating-thumbnails-with-catalyst
> However, as soon as I add the view Thumbnail.pm (by doing
> script/myapp_create.pl view Thumbnail Thumbnail), no matter what I do, any
> page in my app produces the following error:  "Couldn't render image: Image
> data missing from stash"
> I created an Images file model and a thumbnail controller exactly like in
> the guide, but still get the error.  Even if I don't put any code in my app
> at all to do with thumbnails, and never forward to the Thumbnail.pm view, I
> still get this error just by the mere presense of the view Thumbnail.pm
> Also, I looked in the file Thumbnail.pm that was created, and its mostly
> empty, except for the pod.  This is all the file has in it:
> package MyApp::View::Thumbnail;
> use strict;
> use parent 'Catalyst::View::Thumbnail';
> =head1 NAME
> ... the rest is all pod.  Is this normal, or is there something screwed up
> with my installation?
> Any help you can provide would be appreciated.  Thanks!

Any time you have multiple views, you *must* declare which view you
want Catalyst to use by default.

To accomplish this, in your application config just provide:
default_view: TT (or whatever your default view is)

You can put this in MyApp.pm or myapp.(conf|yml) as a top level
configuration option.


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