
I use Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu but in some actions I don't want to use the FormConfig attribute because it would automaticly generate and process a form, which takes much time. I want to do that only if the already generated template and data was not found in the cache.

But instead of writing each time

my $form = $self->form;
$c->stash->{form} = $form;

I would prefer to write a plugin, and write only something like:


First, is this correct? (or it might appear some issues). I know that the plugins are not recommended, but it is not a Catalyst plugin for public use, but only one for my app.

And if it is ok, is it possible to get $self in the plugin in order to do $self->form?

Or I will need to send it explicitly using:

$ff($self, 'path/to/config_file');



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