On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 7:03 AM, Octavian Rasnita <orasn...@gmail.com>wrote:

 I need to know if the form didn't have a file upload field, or if it had it

but no file was uploaded.

Give your upload field(s) a name like "upload_1"  and then see if it exists
in uploads.

Can you give me a hint where I should look for finding where the empty file
> upload field is skipped if it is empty?

That's how HTTP::Body works.   If there's a filename, which there is with
upload fields, but the file name is empty, then it's skipped.

        if ( exists $part->{filename} ) {
            if ( $part->{filename} ne "" ) {
                $part->{fh}->close if defined $part->{fh};

                delete @{$part}{qw[ data done fh ]};

                $self->upload( $part->{name}, $part );

BTW -- I think that delete of "fh" should not happen (and the temp file
should be set to unlink on destroy).  Otherwise you can end up with orphaned
temp files.

Bill Moseley
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