Hi All,

In my authentication module I am trying to add  DBIC and LDAP authentication 
via Catalyst::Authentication::Store::LDAP. DBIC is working fine but LDAP is 
not. Following is app configuration file:

    'Plugin::ConfigLoader' => {
        driver => {
            'General' => {
                 -LowerCaseNames => 1,
        file => __PACKAGE__->path_to('conf'),
    'Plugin::Session' => {
            expires => 3600,
            storage => '/home/amit/GISTFIND/tmp/session',
     'Plugin::Authentication' => {
         default_realm => 'general',         
        general => {
            credential => {
                class => 'Password',
                password_field => 'login_password',
                password_type => 'clear'
            store => {
                class => 'DBIx::Class',
                user_model => 'DB::Login',
                role_column => 'roles',
        ldap => {
             credential => {
                class => 'Password',
                password_field => 'password',
                password_type => 'clear'
            store => {
                binddn              => "cn=Manager, dc=example, dc=com",
                bindpw              => "secret",
                class               => "LDAP",
                ldap_server         => "",
                ldap_server_options => { timeout => 30, port => '389', },
                user_basedn         => "dc=example,dc=com",
                user_field          => "uid",
                user_results_filter => sub { return shift->pop_entry },    

When I search LDAP using Net::LDAP It authenticate the user and return the DN 
for that. 

 uid: shanu
userPassword: shanu
 objectClass: account
uid=shanu,dc=example,dc=com checks out!

But when I try the same from catalyst I won't show any thing. Can anyone point 
me what to do and how to debug it.

if ($c->authenticate({ id => $username, password => $password  }, 'ldap')) {
     $c->stash->{auth}-> "asa";



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