On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 14:30, Matt S Trout <m...@shadowcat.co.uk> wrote:
>> I'm sorry, I thought that the location of 'Home' was set based on the 
>> Makefile.PL. Reviewing the documentation, I see a dist.ini file can also 
>> serve for that purpose.
> However, one of the tenets of Dist::Zilla is that your base directory need
> not look anything like the final distribution.
> In the case of Catalyst applications, the standard assumption that a checkout
> and a final dist look much the same (as is normal for CPAN) is used quite
> substantially; so I'd say that in this case Dist::Zilla's philosophical
> decision to violate that convention makes it a suboptimal choice.

Thats more a tenet of how Ricardo Signes (the dzil author) likes to
work than a core assumption of Dist::Zilla.

The only modification Dist::Zilla does of my distributions is to add
$VERSION variables to my packages with the PkgVersion plugin. You can
skip even that and manually upgrade $VERSION like you do now.

There's no reason why Catalyst distros cant work with dzil.ini that I
can see. Are there hooks available for catalyst.pl so that it can
generate Dist::Zilla based distros instead of using Module::Install?

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