On Jul 7, 2010, at 12:57 PM, Joe Landman wrote:

> Darren Duncan wrote:
>> Joe Landman wrote:
>>>  We are redoing one of our applications, and I wanted a quick sync against 
>>> which Perl versions are currently "blessed".  I remember that 5.10.0 did 
>>> not work due to a bug in the Perl base.  Are there any issues we need to be 
>>> aware of for 5.12.0 or should we stick with 5.10.x (x greater than or equal 
>>> to 1)?
>> My recommendation is to ignore the 5.10.x series, and go straight to 5.12.1+ 
>> if you want the newest production version, or use 5.8.x if you want to 
>> support older Perls.  The 5.12.x and 5.10.x were released close enough 
>> together, and the 5.12.x benefit from the new and improved development 
>> process of making a release every month regardless of how much was changed.  
>> Also, 5.12.x improves some of the features that 5.10.x added, such as making 
>> smart matching and Unicode work better.  Speaking for myself, I'm using 
>> 5.12.1 in production and for my work applications, and I'm using 5.8.1+ for 
>> my CPAN modules. -- Darren Duncan
> Thanks.  I seem to remember trying 5.12.0 and having some problems with 
> various builds of Cat dependencies.
> I'll try 5.12.1 tonight and see how this goes.
> Thanks!
> Joe

I highly recommend using Perlbrew, it makes things so much easier and you can 
test between different versions of Perl with no fuss.


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