On Fri, 2010-10-08 at 19:46 +0200, Alexander Hartmaier wrote:
> Am Dienstag, den 21.09.2010, 06:29 +0200 schrieb Pavel A. Karoukin:
> > I am using Catalyst::Plugin::Mail and want to define email config in
> > myapp.conf. But C::P::Mail expects email config variable to be array
> > ref. How I can assign array value to config variable in myapp.conf?
> If you're referring to Catalyst::Plugin::Email you shouldn't use that
> any more as mailing doesn't need to be a plugin but a view.
> Try Catalyst::View::Email(::Template)

Following on from that advice (which I was also given, and followed),
here's a sample Catalyst::View::Email(::Template) config I had to work
out earlier this week.  There are a remarkable shortage of sample
Catalyst configs online, and I found it quite frustrating just trying to
find the right syntax to use - even though it's incredibly simple once
you know how.  Hope this helps.


de...@serenity ~/code/shinycms $ cat shinycms.conf 
name   ShinyCMS
author Denny de la Haye <2...@denny.me>

default_view HTML

        stash_key email_data
                content_type text/plain
                charset utf-8
                mailer SMTP
                        Host localhost

        stash_key email_data
        template_prefix emails
                content_type text/html
                charset utf-8
                view HTML
                mailer SMTP
                        Host localhost

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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