I recommend you create a 'Example::Schema::ResultSet::Group' resultset class. Presumably you already have a 'Result' directory where your table classes reside, so create a ResultSet
directory (if you don't already have one).

Look here: http://search.cpan.org/~frew/DBIx-Class-0.08124/lib/DBIx/Class/ResultSet.pm <http://search.cpan.org/%7Efrew/DBIx-Class-0.08124/lib/DBIx/Class/ResultSet.pm>for direction, but essentially this is where you would set up queries pertaining to your 'Groups'.

You'll do a search of all the related Users having a group name = 'manager' or something

On 11/30/2010 11:02 AM, linuxsupport wrote:

I am new to Catalyst and DBIx::Class, trying to use many_to_many relationship.

I have 3 tables, users, user_groups, and group, table structure and relationship are setup as follows.


  { data_type => "integer", is_nullable => 0 },
  { data_type => "text", is_nullable => 1 },
  { data_type => "text", is_nullable => 1 },
  { data_type => "text", is_nullable => 1 },
  { data_type => "text", is_nullable => 1 },
  { data_type => "text", is_nullable => 1 },
  { data_type => "integer", is_nullable => 1 },

__PACKAGE__->has_many("usergroups", "Example::Schema::Result::UserGroup",{ "foreign.user_id" => "self.id <http://self.id>" },);
__PACKAGE__->many_to_many(group => 'usergroups', 'group');


  { data_type => "integer", is_nullable => 0 },
  { data_type => "integer", default_value => 0, is_nullable => 0 },
__PACKAGE__->set_primary_key("user_id", "group_id");

__PACKAGE__->belongs_to("user", "Example::Schema::Result::User", { id => "user_id" },{ join_type => "LEFT" },); __PACKAGE__->belongs_to("group", "Example::Schema::Result::Group", { id => "group_id" },{ join_type => "LEFT" },);


  { data_type => "integer", is_nullable => 0 },
  { data_type => "text", is_nullable => 0 },

__PACKAGE__->has_many("usergroup","Example::Schema::Result::UserGroup",{ "foreign.group_id" => "self.id <http://self.id>" },);

Can anyone tell me how I can retrieve all the users who are member of a group called 'manager'?


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