On Wed, 2011-01-26 at 17:17 +0700, Ben van Staveren wrote:
> Hi folks, I've been breaking my head over this one for the last 3 hours and I 
> can't figure out what the hell is going on. I'm using 
> Catalyst::Authentication 
> to deal with authentication, as follows:
> [...]
> Strangely enough, it seems that the c->res->redirect isn't taking for some 
> reason, this used to work before, and suddenly stopped working. I've been 
> trying to figure out what I've changed that would cause this, and I haven't 
> touched any of the authentication bits at all.
> If I am in fact logged in, c->res->redirect works exactly as advertised and 
> will happily do the trick, except in this case where I have not logged in.
> Any ideas? I'm about ready to shoot this project in the head :(

Have you tried turning it off and then on again?  ;)

More seriously, I have found on multiple occasions that the Catalyst
Auth stuff can seem to get itself into an inconsistent state, such that
it starts behaving oddly (usually mine will successfully log in, but
fail to keep track of that fact), and the only way to fix it is to
delete the contents of the session store (database, in my case), delete
all the cookies for the site, and possibly wipe the browser cache too.

Other than that I'm not sure what to suggest.  Where does the auto
return to?  Is it possible it's coming back from there to before the
dashboard redirect, and so the redirect URL is getting overwritten
before the output is constructed?  (I've not used auto, so no idea if
this is a stupid question or not.)


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