I should have added that this is a sample of my error.log:

[root@mayfly log]# cat error.log
[Sun Feb 13 11:29:45 2011] [warn] (104)Connection reset by peer: mod_fcgid: read data from fastcgi server error. [Sun Feb 13 11:29:45 2011] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: sumo_fastcgi.pl [Sun Feb 13 11:29:50 2011] [warn] (104)Connection reset by peer: mod_fcgid: read data from fastcgi server error. [Sun Feb 13 11:29:50 2011] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: sumo_fastcgi.pl [Sun Feb 13 11:33:11 2011] [warn] (104)Connection reset by peer: mod_fcgid: read data from fastcgi server error. [Sun Feb 13 11:33:11 2011] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: sumo_fastcgi.pl [Sun Feb 13 11:33:15 2011] [warn] (104)Connection reset by peer: mod_fcgid: read data from fastcgi server error. [Sun Feb 13 11:33:15 2011] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: sumo_fastcgi.pl

This is when using the hjksolutions setup linked in my original message.


On 02/13/2011 11:24 AM, Mark Hughes wrote:
I am trying to work through deployng a Catalyst app on an apache2 server
with mod_fcgi installed. I don't know what I am doing, and I have spent
an embarrassingly long time accomplishing nothing.

The app runs okay when I run the standalone myapp_server.pl on the
server. Requests from sitename:3000 generate charming debug messages and
pages appear in the browser -- just as when I run the app locally.

The trouble is that I cannot get myapp_fastcgi.pl to serve pages. When I
try to use myapp_fastcgi.pl, the standard debug status messages appear,
followed by this:

[info] sumo powered by Catalyst 5.80031
FastCGI: manager (pid 14119): initialized
FastCGI: manager (pid 14119): server (pid 14120) started
FastCGI: server (pid 14120): initialized

Seems fine. But requests result only in 404 errors.

I am stumped and out of things to try.

I have looked at a large number of pages on deploying Catalyst apps,
including the wiki, advent calendar (several days),
Catalyst::Engine::FastCGI docs (all three modes), and tried most of
them. The only thing I have really discovered is that most of the
instructions seem to be for mod_fastcgi rather than mod_fcgi. And most
of what I have found and tried prevent apache from starting. (I think
because mod_fcgi breaks on ExternalServer directives.)

The most promising, because it deals specifically with mod_fcgid, might
but I don't understand even the basics of how it works. It doesn't seem
to tell anything to listen anywhere, and I don't know how to
successfully start myapp_fastcgi.pl without telling it to listen someplace.

Any suggestions would help. Thanks.

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