
Am 01.03.2011 um 19:32 schrieb Tomas Doran:

>>> What perl version are you using here?
>> I'm on v5.12.2 on a Mac OS X 10.6.6 with a custom Perl build (via macports).
> Bah, no idea what's going on there then :)

oh, it's all the same... ;-)  With "custom" I mean it's not the Perl that is 
shipped with Mac OS X, but it is a "normal" build (just like plain `make && 
make install`).  So nothing special in regard to configure options or build 
flags or something like that.

This issue also happens with Perl v5.8.8 and v5.10.0 on usual Ubuntu systems, 
so it's nothing special to this Mac build.


rainboxx Software Engineering
Matthias Dietrich

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