On 3/1/2011 9:58 AM, Bill Moseley moseley-at-hank.org |Catalyst/Allow to home|
At build time I minimize and compress css and js (and images) and combine
into single files grouped by page(s). They could be pre-processed by TT
very easily. The final file names include an MD5 of their content forcing a
re-fetch only if they ever change.
So you added that to the makefile somehow? I take it the generated name must be supplied
to the page's template once it is known. I'd like to learn more about your system.
So if you make a small change, you have to re-install the whole app? If the file name
changes, I can't just use Unison to sync the directory on the production server.
As for reaching for templates in CSS: Sure, you can break common lines into different
tags so you only specify a color once:
#this, #that, div p .theother { color: xxxxx }
but that doesn't help making (say) a border color and a background color the
same value.
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