On 3/6/11 9:45 AM, Tobias Kremer wrote:
On 06.03.2011, at 16:31, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
From: "John M. Dlugosz"<wxju46g...@snkmail.com>
What's the best form-generating/processing library for Catalyst, assuming I 
don't need
to worry about old baggage and can move forward with the latest and greatest 

It depends on what you prefer.
The best and most used seem to be HTML::FormFu and HTML::FormHandler.

I'm quite happy with Rose::HTML::Form because I like having forms as classes. It also was 
one of the fastest form solutions back when we evaluated the candidates. Nowadays, I'd 
probably give HTML::FormHandler a try, mainly because it also follows the "every 
form is a class" approach (which IMHO is *much* better than having your forms 
defined in YAML files).

In addition to the documentation on CPAN, the wiki contains some information on those three form handlers too:




By the way: As you begin using one of them if you run across anything you think those pages should have contained, feel free to edit them, or send me an email and I'll be happy to (they're on my radar to be better interlinked, and cleaned up a bit).

- Mark

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