In order of importance, my considerations when making the decision about a year ago (no existing Cat apps at that point) were:

Adoption Rate: I subscribed to mailing lists for FormFu and HFH, and noticed more people talking about HFH. Moosiness: Since Catalyst was making the move to Moose, and Moose seemed to have quite a following, this made HFH look like the better long-term solution Documentation/Community support: I personally thought HFH docs were somewhat better than FormFu, YMMV YAML/config based approach: While I now understand (thanks to previous posters on this thread) that there are multiple formats for the configs with FF, the idea of using a config file for form declaration did not appeal to me.

I agree with Stephen to a large degree on how to handle the decision.

On 3/7/2011 3:21 PM, Stephen Clouse wrote:
On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 12:10 PM, Ashley Pond V < <>> wrote:

    I use FormFu and have no problem with it and there is ultimately no
    difference between doing things in config or in code, it's all code
    and rendering in the end and HTML forms and form processing is just a
    messy business no matter what you do. I find config files a very clean
    way to reuse parts of forms and fieldsets and such. Doing that with
    Roles or inheritance seems messier to me.

This is actually why my current project likes HFH over FormFu. We're already thinking very heavily in terms of Moose, so HFH's design is a logical extension. Config files in FormFu ended up feeling like another domain-specific language that everyone had to learn, and we had enough of those already (templates, half-assed vendor-provided interfaces to their awful systems, etc).

Not saying that either way is good or bad. I've used both HFH and FormFu on different projects and liked both, and there is merit to how FormFu does it in many other situations. Haven't used Rose::HTML::* personally but a glance at the docs looks comparable to HFH.

To answer the OP, there is no "best", only "different". The choice you make is highly subjective and will come down to project considerations.

    I have been very curious about other approaches, including FormHandler
    but a casual read of the docs gives no compelling reason to switch

There isn't one. They are all pretty even in functionality, they simply do things differently. Either you're using one already and should keep using it, or you haven't picked (like OP) and should evaluate them all carefully to see which is the best fit for your needs.

The Perl mantra *is* TIMTOWTDI, after all.

Stephen Clouse < <>>

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