On 11 Apr 2011, at 14:07, John M. Dlugosz wrote:
Looking at the server's processes, I see three of script/
myapp_fastcgi.pl, which I suppose co-inside with the Apache
configuration option where I said to start 3 fastcgi processes to
handle this app.
WebMin tells me "size", which can't be the actual load of server RAM
needed since it doesn't add up with the total usage.
Some basics here... is Apache/fastcgi/Catalyst smart enough to load
the app and get it running to the point where it is ready to start
handling requests, and THEN fork it? The Perl runtime and all the
loaded modules can certainly be shared! Do I need more advanced
configuration or app tuning to maximize this ability?
If you're using dynamic fast cgi, then no, there is no way to do this,
as apache dynamically starts / removes workers.
if you're using external mode fast cgi, then yes, this 'just works'.
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