On 3 November 2011 10:42, Alec Taylor <alec.tayl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Good afternoon,
> I'm building a large e-commerce site, and it is very important that
> what I write can:
> - Handle large server loads
> - Deliver pages quickly
> - Make transactions quickly
> as well as have a small development time (i.e. pre-built modules for
> e-commerce are available, and are extendible).
> Are there recent accessible statistics available, comparing these
> metrics across the most popular web-frameworks? (i.e. Symfony, DJango,
> Rails, ASP.NET &etc)

No metrics are available as all major MVC frameworks use a fairly
standard combination of Template rendering, ORM data layer, etc and
solve the underlying inherent performance problems of using ORM in
similar ways.

The best example of that is to look at and understand
http://use-the-index-luke.com/sql/join/nested-loops-join-n1-problem -
essentially you need to avoid any framework with a data layer that
doesn't have a solution to this problem, and know how to use it
correctly when you pick one to avoid hitting it accidentally.

There also aren't really any metrics for development time - the
closest thing is the Plat_Forms competition
(http://www.plat-forms.org/ their last report was from 2007 and so is
a bit out of date, particularly about technical features available to
frameworks such as WSDL support), which avoids such metrics as it's
comparing apples and pears - however it is very informative and will
be publishing this years report in 2-3 weeks - if you're doing a
proper evaluation of frameworks this is essential reading about the
state of the art in the widest used general purpose MVC frameworks in
Europe (it doesn't include CMS/Blog platforms that have been extended
to act as application servers like Django or Wordpress). There's also
http://chrislaco.com/blog/mvc-marathon/ which although from 2008 is
still pretty interesting.

Hope that helps,


Aaron J Trevena, BSc Hons
LAMP System Integration, Development and Consulting

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