Hi Alec,
Whatever your choice of framework your real-life needs will very quickly
outgrow the functionality available in the ecommerce modules that you started
with, and you will end up needing to make non-trivial changes to them or even
rewriting from scratch sooner rather than later. This is because open source
has always been exceptional at building infrastructure tools (think web
servers, templating languages, databases, cacheing, etc.), but relatively
mediocre at implementing business logic. So what I'd be looking for if I were
you is the library that I'd be happiest to hack on rather than the one that
looks most mature.
Regarding Catalyst vs. Django, I have found Django to be too tightly coupled
for my preferences. Whereas Catalyst::Runtime is small and relatively lean, and
you get stuff done by using plugins, roles, and (kinda) inversion of control,
Django prefers being monolithic and shipping with loads of stuff in the core.
The latter approach has a lower learning curve and helps you get started much
faster, but I've found that a more decoupled architecture always pays off big
time in the long term.
I have also used Drupal in the past but it has always been more pain that it is
worth. In particular, Drupal modules tend to be very poorly written and quite
difficult to extend, especially compared to the modules that you get on CPAN.
> From: Alec Taylor <alec.tayl...@gmail.com>
>To: The elegant MVC web framework <catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk>
>Sent: Wednesday, 23 November 2011, 13:41
>Subject: Re: [Catalyst] Maturity of e-commerce modules in DJango when compared
>with Catalyst
>Looking good, I'll keep an eye on it and consider moving from Rails or
>DJango when it's fully released.
>/me will alpha test :)
>On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 12:23 AM, Kaare Rasmussen <ka...@jasonic.dk> wrote:
>>>> My question to both users-groups is, how mature are your e-commerce
>>>> modules?
>>> There isn't (AFAIK) an off-the-shelf e-commerce solution in catalyst,
>>> however - Mango and Handel (both available on cpan and github) provide
>>> the framework with the features you require, they aren't widely used
>> Perhaps you could keep an eye on Interchange,
>> http://www.linuxia.de/talks/ppw2011/perlcommerce-beamer.pdf
>> While "the old" Interchange is a monolithic application, showing its age,
>> the current plan is to release the relevant bits on CPAN. Most notably right
>> now is Nitesi, https://metacpan.org/module/Nitesi.
>> I think they're using Dancer for rewriting Interchange. I hope to use Nitesi
>> and friends separately in my CMS.
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