On 24 Nov 2011, at 12:40, Johannes Kilian wrote::
* Isn't $c->user a persistent value within $c? When I try to access
to c.user later (after "successfull" login) $c->user is undefined.
What is neccessary to make it persistent?
The session plugin (with a session store etc) needs to be setup for
authentication to persist across requests.
* When I try to check the user role for example via $c-
>assert_user_roles( qw/Wizard/ );
(c.user.fk_bdbrolle_pk.bdbrolle_name has been Wizard in my example)
this fails completely: Caught exception in
BDBInfo2::Controller::Root->login "Can't locate object method
"search" via package "BDBInfo2::Model::BDB::Bdbrolle" at .../
Catalyst/Authentication/Store/DBIx/Class/User.pm line 144." What's
wrong here?
I tried several things - but cannot find any solution yet ...
I think this is as your role is a single foreign key, rather than a
link table.
Can you try again with Devel::SimpleTrace to get a full backtrace out,
and also show us the DBIC Row classes for the two tables concerned?
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