On 01/03/2012, at 8:54 PM, Willi Schiegel wrote:

> Hello,
> does anybody know whether there will be a new edition of this book with all 
> the new things 5.9 has? Since I am new to all this Perl web framework stuff 
> and especially PSGI it would be very helpful to have one source to start 
> learning.

Basically the book is fine for 5.9.  I'm not aware of any overt bad practice 
advertised in the book that would have been exposed by 5.9.  The PSGI stuff is 
mostly internal, and the book is basically not about internals.  I guess the 
deployment chapter could do with a bit of an update from that perspective, but 
that's a small part of what the book covers, and the deployment recipes in the 
book will still work fine.

I was thining about a 2nd edition in 2013 depending on what else I've got on by 
then.  I can rule one out for this year, unless the publisher agitates to get 
one going ASAP and manages to find someone else to take over (which I think is 
unlikely right now).

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