
Am 23.03.2012 um 19:02 schrieb Robyn Jonahs:

> cpan> upgrade Moose::.*

try: `upgrade Moose` inside of the CPAN shell.

Instead of using CPAN.pm I recommend using cpanm.  Install it by copypasting 
this into your terminal:

   curl -L http://cpanmin.us | perl - --sudo App::cpanminus

Then run `cpanm Moose` (prepend "sudo" if you need).  It's easier and much 
faster :-).

And because you're new to Perl: don't copy scripts from a module release, 
install the module instead and use the scripts afterwards (except you know what 
you're doing).


rainboxx Software Engineering
Matthias Dietrich

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Königsallee 43               |  Mobil: +49  151 / 50 60 78 64
71638 Ludwigsburg            |  WWW  :  http://www.rainboxx.de

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