you are using ->search which return multiple records, and you are using [%
details.account_code %]  on your code. Maybe you should:
1. [% details.0.account_code %] and ->all
or 2. while ( $item = $results->next ) { ... }

and you can always do
$results = $c->model('ORANGES::AccountDetails')->search({account_id =>
{'=', \$acctid}})
$c->stash(details => $results )
instead of
$c->stash(details =>
[$c->model('ORANGES::AccountDetails')->search({account_id => {'=',

and, why are you using \$acctid ? why not simply $acctit?
and why ->search and not ->find if its one record... you need find

good luck


On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 3:07 PM, Kenneth S Mclane <>wrote:

> I am trying to duplicate a .aspx website. I have succeeded in getting a
> page based on a db view. In the original site you can click on a row and a
> details view appears at the bottom of the page. I don't know if this is
> possible, but I have been trying to simply get a second page to come up
> with the details. I created a view with the fields I need and re-created my
> schema. I created a controller and added this code:
> sub detail :Local :Args(1) {
>     my ($self, $c, $acctid) = @_;
>     $c->stash(details =>
> [$c->model('ORANGES::AccountDetails')->search({account_id => {'=',
> \$acctid}})]);
>     $c->stash(template => 'accountdetails/detail.tt2');
> }
> This appears to create a valid sql query, I get results when running it
> directly on the db.
> I added code to my list.tt2 file to create a link to the
> /accountdetails/detail URI by wrapping one of my TD in an href statement
> like this:
> <td><a href="[% c.uri_for('/accountdetails/detail/') %][%
> account.account_id %]">[% account.account_code %]</a></td>
> I created my detail.tt2 file containing this:
> [% META title = 'Account Detail' -%]
> <center>
> <table border="1" style="width:33%;border-collapse:collapse;">
> <tr style="backround-color:#F8F8F8;">
> <td style="background-color:#E5ECF9;">Account Code</td><td>[%
> details.account_code %]</td></tr>
> <tr style="backround-color:White;">
> <td style="background-color:#E5ECF9;">Account Name</td><td>[%
> details.account_name %]</td></tr>
> <tr style="backround-color:#F8F8F8;">
> <td style="background-color:#E5ECF9;">Account Policy</td><td>[%
> details.account_policy %]</td></tr>
> <tr style="backround-color:White;">
> <td style="background-color:#E5ECF9;">Account Target</td><td>[%
> details.account_target %]</td></tr>
> <tr style="backround-color:#F8F8F8;">
> <td style="background-color:#E5ECF9;">Account Workitem</td><td>[%
> details.account_workitem %]</td></tr>
> <tr style="backround-color:White;">
> <td style="background-color:#E5ECF9;">Start Date</td><td>[%
> details.start_date %]</td></tr>
> <tr style="backround-color:#F8F8F8;">
> <td style="background-color:#E5ECF9;">Kit Date</td><td>[% details.kit_date
> %]</td></tr>
> <tr style="backround-color:White;">
> <td style="background-color:#E5ECF9;">Upgrade Date</td><td>[%
> details.upgrade_date %]</td></tr>
> <tr style="backround-color:#F8F8F8;">
> <td style="background-color:#E5ECF9;">Approval Date</td><td>[%
> details.approval_date %]</td></tr>
> <tr style="backround-color:White;">
> <td style="background-color:#E5ECF9;">Sunset Date</td><td>[%
> details.sunset_date %]</td></tr>
> <tr style="backround-color:#F8F8F8;">
> <td style="background-color:#E5ECF9;">Alert Flag</td><td>[%
> details.alert_flag %]</td></tr>
> <tr style="backround-color:White;">
> <td style="background-color:#E5ECF9;">Cirats Flag</td><td>[%
> details.cirats_flag %]</td></tr>
> <tr style="backround-color:#F8F8F8;">
> <td style="background-color:#E5ECF9;">Report Flag</td><td>[%
> details.report_flag %]</td></tr>
> <tr style="backround-color:White;">
> <td style="background-color:#E5ECF9;">Sample Flag</td><td>[%
> details.sample_flag %]</td></tr>
> <tr style="backround-color:#F8F8F8;">
> <td style="background-color:#E5ECF9;">Sample Rate</td><td>[%
> details.sample_rate %]</td></tr>
> <tr style="backround-color:White;">
> <td style="background-color:#E5ECF9;">Department Code</td><td>[%
> details.department_code %]</td></tr>
> </table>
> </center>
> My link works, I get the detail page with all the formatting and the
> pre-populated TD's, but the data is not showing up. I think I am missing
> something.
> Once again all help is appreciated.
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