On 7 Apr 2012, at 13:02, Chankey Pathak wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Hope you all are doing good. I have a question. 
> My catalyst application suddenly started running on: http://0:3000/ instead 
> of http://localhost:3000/
> What is the reason behind this? 

What gives you that impression?

Or, more, what do you think the difference between http://0:3000/ and 
http://localhost:3000/ is?

As http://0:3000/ explicitly means 'port 3000 on any interface on this 
machine', whereas 'http://localhost:3000/' could be taken to mean 'port 3000 on'.

The Catalyst dev server has _always_ bound to any interface (unless you 
specifically tell it not to), and so there is no actual behaviour change here - 
saying 'http://localhost:3000/' was somewhat misleading, as the server _didn't_ 
only bind to localhost...

I would think the difference (to print a more correct statement of what the 
server is listening on) comes from 5.9 now using HTTP::Server::PSGI, rather 
than the traditional Catalyst specific test server..


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