On 06/08/12 18:36 Tomas Doran wrote:
> On 6 Aug 2012, at 15:56, Robert Rothenberg wrote:
>> My application has a lot of tests scripts (and even some utility scripts)
>> that create a Test::MockObject that imitates a Catalyst context.
>> But it's largely a kluge, especially for handling authentication with things
>> like
>>  $c->check_any_use_role(...)
>> So, what are the best practices for generating a fake Catalyst context that
>> is, for all intents, logged-in as a particular user?
> Test::MockObject is fairly evil (it uses UNIVERSAL::can and UNIVERSAL::isa 
> which are fundamentally broken).. But this solution is entirely workable.
> Personally, latterly, I've just been using Moose directly when I want to mock 
> a class:
> Moose::Meta::Class->create(….
> e.g. https://gist.github.com/199215 (from 
> http://bobtfish.livejournal.com/265829.html)

Thanks. That looks like a much better solution.

Are there plans to make a CPAN module or include a mock context for tests in
the Catalyst distro?

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