2012/9/26 Bill Moseley <mose...@hank.org>:
> I'm using Catalyst::Test on an app.
> The app has a myapp.yml config which includes configuration for creating an
> instance of a Model component -- and part of that Model's config is a
> database dsn attribute.   When running my test I do want to have the app
> load this config file -- but I want to modify it on-the-fly.
> My test builds a SQLite database when it runs, and I'd like to be able to
> modify the config as (before) Catalyst creates the instance of the model
> component -- that is just filter the config to inject my temporary database.
> The model "dsn" attribute is readonly -- otherwise I could just do
> MyApp->model( 'MyModel' )->dns( $new_dsn );
> What's a good, clean way of doing this?   Or perhaps a better approach all
> together?

Ohh.. I'am also interested in "clean" way to do this.
But now in the similar situation, I'm doing this:
(it is from my base test class whitch extends Test::Class itself)

use Class::Load qw(load_class is_class_loaded);
use Class::Method::Modifiers ();
sub default_config { return {
    ... # somewere dsn => 'dbi:SQLite::memory:'

sub init : Test(startup) {
  my $self = shift;
  my $app_class = 'MyApp';
  unless (is_class_loaded($app_class)) {
    $app_class->config($self->default_config); # set default config

    # filter out some plugins
    Class::Method::Modifiers::install_modifier('Catalyst', 'around',
'setup_plugins', sub {
      my $orig = shift;
      my ($class, $plugins) = @_;
      $orig->($class, [grep { ! ( $_ ~~ ['ConfigLoader',<some other
plugins>] ) } @$plugins]);
    $app_class->import; # now allow Catalyst properly setup application
    # create schema

Hackish, but works...

> --
> Bill Moseley
> mose...@hank.org
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