I have a feeling I asked this before, but cannot find the post.

[info] Exception powered by Catalyst 5.90030

What's the reasoning that chained actions continue to run after an earlier

sub start : Chained( '/' ) : CaptureArgs(0) {
    warn "in start\n";

sub middle : Chained( 'start' ) : CaptureArgs(0) {
    warn "in middle\n";
    die "died in middle\n";  # or e.g. throw access violation

sub lastpart : Chained( 'middle' ) : Args(0) {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
    $c->res->body( "finished\n" );
    warn "in lastpart\n";

$ script/exception_test.pl /start/middle/lastpart
in start
in middle
*in lastpart*
[error] Caught exception in Exception::Controller::Root->middle "died in

Bill Moseley
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