
Catalyst, unlike a framework like say Ruby on Rails, sits at the center of a 
number of other Perl technologies.  You named a few, such as Plack/PSGI, 
Template Toolkit, etc.  Others might include DBIx::Class for interfacing with a 
database.  And of course any number of testing tools on the Test::* namespace.  
As a result you have to put together a stack that makes sense to you, although 
one of the more common ones would be those mentioned.

Plack is an implementation of the PSGI specification, which connections a web 
application (such as Catalyst) to a web server, such as Nginx, Apache, Starman, 
etc.  This glue layer is reusable across many web frameworks, so we all work on 
it together for the betterment of all.  Plack also implements common middleware 
for concerns that are cross cutting, such as session and cookie management, 
authentication, etc.  Some web frameworks make heavy use of middleware, such as 
Web::Simple, while Catalyst tends to mix and match between middleware and 
pre-existing Catalyst specific components.  For example, Catalyst has its own 
mature session and authentication components, so we tend to use that rather 
than the Plack middleware (although over time I'd personally like to move 
towards using more middleware).

Template Toolkit (TT) is a templating system which is a common choice for a 
View layer in Catalyst.  It allows you a more cleanly expressive approach to 
the concern of how your web pages look.  Quite often you will use a Javascript 
framework, such as Dojo, Jquery or Angular.js to name a few of the ones I am 
personally familiar with.  Javascript will be integrated into the View (TT).  
Catalyst, unlike some web frameworks, doesn't offer a lot of Javascript code 
generation tools since most Perl programmers prefer a more hands on approach 
and write their Javascript manually.  Catalyst offers some tools for 
interacting with a Javascript application, such as support for JSON.  So using 
Javascript with Catalyst is totally fine, just as I said compared to some 
frameworks you might find yourself needing to write a bit more manual code.  As 
I said, Perl programmers tend to like to be 'close to the metal' so that is 
reflected in how Catalyst works.

I recommend you look at a few Catalyst applications on Github and review the 
tutorial if you can.

On Saturday, December 14, 2013 6:04 PM, 疾驰者 <> wrote:
   Everyone!  I haven't get the all stack of Catalyst application.
   An application have so many functions. Some is done by some component, and 
some function can be done by application code.
   I have get the TT and dojo and Plack, may be. It will entry-level.

   Can anyone illustrate three concepts or terms? Especially there relations? 
For example, why should we use Plack, and not use old fastcgi?

FastCGI is great, and my first choice for production systems.  Plack implements 
PSGI and offers you a way to integrate a server such as FastCGI with your 
Catalyst web application.  It also lets you 'glue' that same application to a 
different server.  For example, many people use Starman as a server for 
development be cause its very easy to setup, but use something else in 
production (although Starman if run behind a proxy can be solid in production 
as well and some people choose that setup).

[client web browser] <--> [Apache <--> FastCGI] <--> [Plack FastCGI Handler 
<--> Catalyst <--> DBIx::Class <--> Database]

^^ is one example stack.  

Here's a great blog of someone that started with Catalyst from the start and he 
did his best to record the journey.  Maybe it will help you.

Also, I recommend reading the current and past Advent Calendars:

   You are welcome!

Best of luck! --jnap

                Thai Heng

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