On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 6:09 PM, neil.lunn <n...@mylunn.id.au> wrote:

> But I prefer the mangle_arguments particulary for classes that do not use
> a Moose like contructor.
> The change from the old code seems to be deliberate in passing in extra
> arguments to the model constructor, so it seems best to override these
> hooks where needed rather than patch the base.

It's a bit confusing, though.  The docs for "args" say this:

This is a hashref of arguments to pass to the constructor of class. It is
optional, of course. If you omit it, nothing is passed to the constructor
(as opposed to {}, an empty hashref).

But maybe there was a use case where having the extra config (in addition
to config in "args") passed to the constructor was necessary.

Bill Moseley
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