On 24/12/2013 1:20 AM, John Napiorkowski wrote:
Thanks Neil, I think a lot of people sometimes forget that the Catalyst object 
is really in the end just a class.  --jnap

I tend to generally agree that a lot of "Catalyst::Plugin::*" stuff is a "giant bag of Blue meth" that we all need to ween ourselves off of. Config structures and logging implementation are always best "externalized" along with general Domain logic with any application. By "externalized" I mean, outside the "framework" in a manner that they just work when implemented by themselves, without the "framework's" help.

At the risk of entering into a rant, I prefer a class factory approach to applying "Roles/mixins" to plain classes. Something that the Java "POJO" crowd got right.

Keen to fix up a lot of this stuff. As simply moving "::Plugin*" guff to applied roles, Probably code cahanges and new modules in preference to 'Plugin', and Ideally having good DI on top of Catalyst. That is sensibly consumed. It would be nice to pull in config and service locators from something external and that was itself configuration file aware.

BTW. Good work on the native file handle and psgi.streaming support, +If #miyagawa will patch up Plack::Util::content_length as suggested, then Catalyst in new release should work just the same as before but with new improvements and performance.


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