Hi All,

Yesterday I released the third development version of Catalyst 'Runner' on the 
heels of the second release just a few days ago.  This was needed because the 
second release had some debugging code left in it accidentally and was causing 
installation and testing fails for people that wanted to try out the new 
features.  My apologies.

Included with this bug fix is some additional documentation around using plack 
middleware and one new feature that allows one to use (or to mount a psgi 
application that uses) exception objects as described in the plack middleware


The idea is this middleware catches exception object that match an interface 
and uses them to provide content or behavior like redirection.  Ultimately I 
think all the custom error handling could move to middleware, including the 
default production and debug error pages.  This would get them out of the main 
code and let you customize the behavior without needing nasty plugins.  For 
this first iteration

Later on I plan to see what tools like might buy us.  I've always been a big 
fan of the lisp conditional approach but for now you can actually do like

  use HTTP::Throwable:: Factory;

  sub from_catalyst :Local {
    my ($self, $c) = @_;
    HTTP::Throwable::Factory->throw(MovedPermanently => { location => '/new' });


and it works as expected.

So the hope here is to make it easier to customize and control default for the 
various types of error pages you use. 

As we add more middleware we are starting to approach the point where an array 
is no longer the best way to manage our included middlware.  Anyone out there 
have experience using Javascript Connect or the Rails MiddlewareStack can 
comment and help design a Sane API?

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