Hey Ya All,

I've cut development release 6 and sent it on the way to CPAN.  If this release 
turns out to be as stable as the dev 5 release, it will become the next stable 
version of Catalyst.  Items that remain on the Runner quest list are either 
small or things that might not be great to start on so close to the end of the 
development cycle (like the modperl changes).  Plus, I have to use mod_perl at 
work and not really inspired to hack on it in my spare time ;).

This version has small changes, as befit its age:

  - MyApp->setup now returns $app to allow class method chaining.
  - New Util helper functional localize $env to make it easier to mount PSIG
    applications under controllers and actions.  See Catalyst::Utils/PSGI 

Those last set of helpers exist to make it easier to localize the PSGI $env 
when you are using Catalyst as a sort of dispatcher to other PSGI apps (such as 
other Catalyst apps, or other).  The idea here is to make it easier to build 
your large Catalyst application as a collection of smaller apps, should you 
desire that.  with the new $c->req->from_psgi_response these helpers should 
make it easier.

Everything that's been said about this release making deeper changes to how the 
body is finalized of course still apply (along with moving some key bits to 
middleware).   This is the last chance you get to test Runner against your 
code.  There's great new stuff in this release that I am sure can enable you to 
do new and cool things with Catalyst, but if you can't upgrade because 
something broke, that's going to suck.

Assuming I hear of no showstoppers this will go 'gold' sometime in the next day 
or two.

List: Catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk
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