Hey all,

on most of my website running on (latest catalyst: 5.90065) i always get utf8 
related errors.
the usually appear if a spider 
        Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; EasouSpider; 
comes accross.

the error is:
        Caught exception in engine "UTF8 Error: utf8 "\x98" does not map to 
Unicode at /usr/local/…./lib/perl5/Catalyst/Plugin/Unicode/Encoding.pm line 167.

It took me while to get the actual parameters the spiders sends because the 
debug-message of catalyst do not tell that much :...

[2014/07/16 15:08:47] [] [INFO] vim 
/usr/local/…./lib/perl5/Catalyst.pm +2016: *** Request 164 (0.032/s) [10682] 
[Wed Jul 16 15:08:47 2014] ***
[2014/07/16 15:08:47] [] [DEBUG] vim 
/usr/local/…./lib/perl5/Catalyst.pm +2309: Response Code: 400; Content-Type: 
text/plain; charset=UTF-8; Content-Length: unknown
[2014/07/16 15:08:47] [] [INFO] vim 
/usr/local/.../lib/perl5/Catalyst.pm +1880: Request took 0.006491s (154.059/s)
| Action                                                                        
                                    | Time      |

i changed to Plugin::Unicode::Encoding plugin a bit to find out what the client 
sends … the results are these:
UTF8 trash arrives - and the module seems unable to deal with it…

Caught exception in engine "UTF8 Error: utf8 "\x98" does not map to Unicode at 
/usr/local/…../lib/perl5/Catalyst/Plugin/Unicode/Encoding.pm line 170.

URL: notice/list

^@^@^@^@Øï*^Q^@^@^@^@^X' => 
 <9e>ô^P^@^@^@^@^P<8e>ô^P^@^@^@^@ <88>ô^P^@^@^@^@Ð<82>ô^P^@^@^@^@ 

 // value: $VAR1 = 
 <9e>ô^P^@^@^@^@^P<8e>ô^P^@^@^@^@ <88>ô^P^@^@^@^@Ð<82>ô^P^@^@^@^@ 

headers: Connection: close
Accept: text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, 
image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8
Host: wbc-inco.net
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; EasouSpider; 
Content-Length: 927
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
REFER: http://b------.net/“


to understand the logging above: this is what i added /changed in the 

around line 168:

        my $val;
        eval {
         $val =  Encode::is_utf8( $value ) ? $value : $enc->decode( $value, 
        if ($@){
            # UPS !
        # get request infos
use Data::Dumper;
my $params = $self->req->parameters;
my $headers= $self->req->headers->as_string;
die "UTF8 Error: $@ - \n\nURL: " . $self->req->path . "\n\nPARAMS:" . Dumper( 
$params ) . "\n\n // value: " . Dumper($value) . "\n\nheaders: " . $headers;

I guess my Catalyst Apps are not the only ones with these errors ?

about my App settings / config:

app-config has
        encoding                UTF-8

App.pm does not load Unicode::Encoding anymore (since this is not need when 
using latest Catalyst: 5.90065)

i am using postgres with
        pg_enable_utf8 1
(but the error about is far away from any DB related problem i guess)

using Catalyst::Plugin::Unicode::Encoding version 2.1 (coming with catalyxt)

i just checked out the tracker for catalyst on cpan, there is an UTF8 issue 
but i does not look as it was this problem ...

Any ideas what todo ?
Add a issue/ticket ?

thanks for feedback,
bernhard bauch  

Bernhard Bauch, Webdevelopment
ZSI - Zentrum für soziale Innovation
Skype: berni-zsi

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