Hi all,

Carpal-tunnel surgery has banned me from camera, steering wheel, and too
much Photoshop for a while, so to keep from losing my mind I am now taking
TWO Mt Pleasant walks a day! Fortunately I can type one-handed.

Anyway, my morning walk today turned up two delights.

A flock of 40 or so Bobolinks swirling very briefly over the switch-grass
field north of the road between the observatory and the sheep-farm house.
Quickly they disappeared into the long grass and one would then never have
known they were there!

I've been following the season's progress of two pairs of Indigo Buntings
between the farm house and the radio tower road. In recent days the males
have been very agitated as a I walked past, chipping loudly and sometimes
doing dramatic fluttering flight displays, presumably to distract me away
from their nests (although I don't have a clue where the nests are!). This
morning a female did the same display, landing on the road with fluttering
wings. There must have been an active nest or fledglings in the goldenrod
nearby. A very good look at this normally secretive little female.


Marie Read Wildlife Photography
452 Ringwood Road
Freeville NY  13068 USA

Phone  607-539-6608
e-mail   m...@cornell.edu


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