Shorebird habitat at Montezuma (the Refuge and DEC lands north) continues to 
change rapidly. Mays Point Pool has lost considerable water in the past few 
days leaving much mud exposed. Birds like the phalaropes and avocet seemed to 
have moved on. Both dowitchers are still there along with numerous peeps. But 
there again the turnover is rapid. Tuesday evening I had Stilt, Baird's and 
Sanderling. At noon today they appeared to be gone, replaced by 20 Pectoral 

At the end of Van Dyne Spoor Rd is a large area of shallow water/mud flats. 
Yesterday afternoon there were many Killdeer, a dozen Lesser and three Greater 
Yellowlegs as well as some 20 Least Sandpipers and three Semipalmateds. And one 
Stilt. As evening came on, two Wilson's Snipe appeared and just before dark, 5 
Black-crowned NightHerons flew in. At first light this morning the nightherons 
were gone, replaced by three Great Blue Herons and a harrier.

Muckrace Flats along Savannah-Spring Lake Rd is also slowly drying. 3-4 Green 
Herons continue there as do Killdeer. But the number of yellowlegs has dropped 

I walked the dike and paddled the canals at Marten's Tract this morning. A 
Virginia Rail called. Numerous Common Moorhens, American Coots, and Pied-billed 
Grebes gave out a variety of vocalizations (including some begging young) which 
I'm still trying to sort out. Around the back of the dike I flushed a Least 
Bittern which flew north, back into the reeds.

Bob McGuire
46 Whitted Road, Ithaca
256 0460
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