I was in Groton last week for my annual fall trip to visit and help some 
friends there.    Although I wasn't able to visit Stewart Park or Sapsucker 
Woods etc. since we only had a church van with us, I was able to do a bit of 
birding on Thursday morning (4 hours) and Friday afternoon, on the old RR trail 
that leads north from Baker-Miller Lumber Yard, just off the main route through 
Groton (38/222).   Sorry for the late report, but I got back Sunday, and didn't 
have computer access while in NY. 

I observed quite a few birds on Thursday, and found 36 species along the 
trail.   See the species list below from e-bird. 

Highlights were the first MOCKINGBIRD and PILEATED WOODPECKER that I've seen 
along the trail in about 10-12 years of visiting.    The past few years, I've 
heard RUFFED GROUSE (single) along the trail, and this day one flushed from 
just off the trail, so I got to actually see it this time! 

Many sparrows, especially Swamp, Song and White-throated.   A group of at least 
12 EASTERN BLUEBIRDS near a residence at the northern section of the trail was 
nice, and nearby PURPLE FINCHES were a treat, as we don't see many these days 
in the Chicago area.  

On my shorter visit Friday afternoon, I added a few species to my week list, 
albeit common ones - Mallard, Red-winged Blackbird, Red-tailed Hawk and House 
Finch, plus one nice look at a SHARP-SHINNED HAWK - the robins, sparrows and 
starlings in the vicinity really flushed quickly when he came through, but no 
'catches'.   Got to see two CAROLINA WRENS on Friday which was nice (not common 
in Cook Co. here). 

TURKEY VULTURES, AMERICAN CROWS and BLUE JAYS really ruled in Groton during the 
week, and I saw more than 90 TV's along Route 222 north to Cortland on Sunday 
morning.     One group trip to Buttermilk Falls produced a flock of about 5 
Red-breasted Nuthatches (do they nest there?). 

Alan Anderson, Des Plaines, Illinois   www.chicagoaudubon.org 

bankswal...@comcast.net and casresea...@comcast.net 


Species list and numbers from Thursdays visit: 

Location:     Baker-Miller Trail, Groton 
Observation date:     10/15/09   8:45am to 12:25pm 
Notes:     slow walk north from behind Baker-Miller Lumber yard on former RR 
trail to the end of 'normal trail';  
Number of species:     36 

**Ruffed Grouse     1   (flushed from side of trail) 
Turkey Vulture     1   (many more 'in town') 
Herring Gull     3 
Belted Kingfisher     2 
Red-bellied Woodpecker     6 
**Yellow-bellied Sapsucker     1 
Downy Woodpecker     3 
Hairy Woodpecker     1 
**Pileated Woodpecker     1 
Blue Jay     14 
American Crow     28 
Black-capped Chickadee     11 
Tufted Titmouse     5 
Red-breasted Nuthatch     1 
White-breasted Nuthatch     5 
**Carolina Wren     1   (2 on Friday) 
**Winter Wren     1 
Ruby-crowned Kinglet     16 
**Eastern Bluebird     12 
American Robin     70 
*** Northern Mockingbird     1 
European Starling     3   (450+ on Friday!) 
Cedar Waxwing     6  (40+ on Friday) 
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)     4 
Eastern Towhee     1  (male) 
Fox Sparrow     1 
Song Sparrow     18 
**Lincoln's Sparrow     1 
Swamp Sparrow     23  (probably more) 
White-throated Sparrow     45 
White-crowned Sparrow     4 
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored)     3 
Northern Cardinal     3 
Common Grackle     10 
**Purple Finch     5 
American Goldfinch     6 

This report was generated automatically by eBird v2( http://ebird.org ) 


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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