I could not miss the chance of being out in the beautiful weather. So I 
decided to make a short trip along the back roads for red-tails, kestrels 
and buntings etc. But actually ended up doing some 68 miles round trip!
My plan was to go to Lansingville rd and head north on Davis road return 
via Center and Ridge Rd, but ended up going up to Poplar Ridge.
As I was pulling out of the drive I saw columns of insects in the air that 
go in up and down motion in cold days, I think they are gnats, but am not 
sure were dancing in front of my car. May be that is what the brought the 
bats out.
Along Warren and Airport there was nothing noteworthy.  Via Asbury I drove 
to Drake road. As soon as I turned on this road, I saw a hawk sitting some 
distance away. I slowly rolled my car down behind it hoping to get a 
picture in beautiful light. Though I parked some 50 feet away from the 
tree, I think the hawk was watching my car. As soon as I was ready to shoot 
a picture, the bird took off. All I got was tip of its tail. Great pic for 
Id quiz! Later I got a fuzzy in flight shot. It was nice Sharp-shinned Hawk.

I saw couple of Red-tails on the way none close enough to get a picture and 
a dozen of Robins and about 25 Mourning Doves (MODO).  From Lansingville 
Road I headed to Davis road, there was couple more Red-tails and three 
flocks of American crows at various spots along the fields, two more groups 
of American Robins (about 15) and two more flocks of MODO on the wires. 
Nothing else no larks and buntings.
As it was getting late enough, I decided to try Rafferty Road, it was 
almost quiet till I went past Dixon, when I first hear a few Horned Larks, 
as I was watching them, a couple of hundred feet away a flock of about 120 
Snow Buntings (pure flock, I had estimated 100, but based on photo there 
were at least 120). So I pulled along the road hoping to get some pictures. 
They came often close to where I was but then a passing car would spook 
them away. Sometimes they went to the middle of the field, but then came 
back sat closer to the road. I don't know why they preferred feed along the 
road. As sun was getting lower and lower, I decided maybe I should walk 
down to them. I went slowly towards them, they fed some 40 feet away from 
and were starting get closer and closer when another car spooked and most 
of them landed on a tall tree. As soon as they landed on the top almost all 
started preening. Additional ones joined they also preened. At any given 
time at 50% were preening. So it is curious to me why birds preen in 
groups.  I have also watched MODOs, if one starts preening others also do 
the same. Finally all the birds were on the tree. They sat and preened for 
more than 20 minutes. I started get cold. Then a small flock broke off the 
broke and started to feed again. But I decided to head little bit north and 
look for kestrels. In Texas one day we counted 89 or 92 Kestrels and they 
were everywhere, but they were so skittish they never posed for a photo. So 
I was looking for one co-operative bird. But I did not find a single one. 
By then I had reached Poplar Ridge Road. Therefore, I decided I might as 
well head towards the lake and see what is there on the lake.
I came to Aurora Boat House. There were many Goldeneyes and Mallards near 
the shore. I enjoyed watching a pair of Goldeneyes swim and fish together. 
They looked so beautiful and elegant, I wondered why male got such 
beautiful plumage and female became so different. What kind of genetic 
changes occurred in their sexes. I did see not any grebes!
But sun seemed to be in hurry to go to the otherside of the shore. So I 
stopped and took series of pictures of beautiful sunset.

After the sunset, I headed back to Rafferty to see if any owls show up, but 
found none. But it was a beautiful day and was worth being out there to 
watch the sunset!

I have pictures of the sunset on my blog if anyone is interested in seeing 
some. http://meenaharibal.blogspot.com/2010/01/east-side-of-cayuga-lake.html

Also in December I came across a huge gathering of Snow Geese on Route 24 
on Dec 19 th. I am always interested in group dynamics and how individuals 
interact with each other. SO I took some videos and have up loaded one on 
to youtube. It is amazing to see while some are squabbling with each 
others, some are blissfully sleeping in that din.  When they are angry with 
someone, they bite the wing feathers of the opponents. It so much looked 
like when we were kids, girls always fought with each other and when very 
angry would pinch each other's shoulders. Snow Geese behavior reminded me 
of that. Snow geese seemed humane or the girls were like snow geese!



Meena Haribal
Ithaca NY 14850



Current Loc: 42o 25' 44.48" N, 76o 28' 16.90" W Elev 816 ft or 248.7 m
Formerly: 19o 0' 41,65" N, 72o 51' 13.02" E Elev 33 ft or 10m


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html
3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds

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