Hi all,
After almost 5.5 months, I took my Sapsucker Woods lunch walk (but on skis). I 
did all trails and some twice.
I did come across many birds, which I used to do in the past. Hoards of 
chicakdees, but was looking for my friend "KRAP" but  did not see him, but did 
see other banded chickadees (Y-BlueK, RP-k etc) most of whom I did not reconize 
any, but was glad to see them.
On Pileated trail, I did see a Pileated slinking away into the woods and other 
three species Red-bellied, Downy and Hairy along with a Brown Creeper and WB 
nuthatches.  At the entrance of the Dryden trail from CLO parking lot, I heard 
a weezy call. Then a full song, so stopped to look at the songster, a still 
drab looking American Golfinch! He seemed as if telling me that here I am and 
you are not nocticing me.

At lean to in the pines there was lot of activity going on. So I stopped to 
listen to singing Tufted Timouse and a fight between a Tufted Timouse and a 
chickadee. While watching the two fight something landed below my eye level on 
the bark just 6 feet away, A very cute BROWN CREEPER. I wished I was carrying 
my camera. He searched for insects and did find something just above my head 
level. He flew across to a tree behind me, passing just a feet from me.

On Wilson trail, I did see usual Tree Sparrows and White Throated Sparrows 
taking a drink and bath at the foot bridge stream.

Tufted Titmouse were signing all over the woods. A couple of chickadees were 
also singing.  I heard something which sounded very much like a  spring peeper. 
I am not sure what that creature was. It was a beautiful sunny day but was 
still cool for peepers to be out.

It was nice to be out there. I could say whcih tree has fallen or what has 
changed on the trail in last six months. I also realized how much I have been 
missing my lunch walks!

Later in the evening I went to Ovid to look for Redtails and  Short-eared owls. 
 I did see a couple of them where Marty had seen previously. One landed on a 
fence post some hundred feet way from me and watched the surrounding for some 
times. Another one sat on a hay bale much furhter away was also inspecting the 

It was a nice day be out there!



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1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html
3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds

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