Hi Steve Fast -- Mary Van Buren and I found the 
Sandhill Cranes this morning -  just where you 
said they were south of Rt. 90 and E. Venice Rd. 
We parked on E. Venice Rd. and walked down for a good view from Rt. 90.

  A farmer stopped to talk and said the cranes 
have been in those fields eating mice and frogs 
for at least 9 years. Apparently they spend part 
of the winters around a couple of ponds just 
north of there. I'm glad you found them for us. Thanks - Elizabeth King

At 03:16 PM 6/23/2010, you wrote:
>I spent 3 hours this morning viewing the 
>SANDHILL CRANE family­first from Carncross Rd., 
>then from Morgan Rd.  About 1100, I witnessed 
>some really “cool” aggressive behavior from 
>presumably the male, in defense of his family 
>from a perceived human threat (not me).
>Anyway, Chuck Gibson dropped by to watch them 
>for a bit, and he mentioned that Frank Morlock, 
>the DEC Wildlife Tech. there had seen another 
>Sandhill Crane family.  So in I went to talk to 
>Frank.  He showed me where he had recently seen 
>them and said that a friend of his had first 
>spotted them last month.  The location was 
>pretty much on my way home.  I found 2 ADULT and 
>2 COLT SANDHILL CRANES in an alfalfa field, Town 
>of Genoa, Cayuga County.  They were easily 
>visible to the south from State Route 90 and the 
>south end of E. Venice Rd.  Rt. 90 is a busy 
>road, and the shoulders are narrow.
>I did not attempt to contact the property owner.
>The 2 colts appear the same size as the 
>Montezuma pair, and are a russet color.  The 2 
>adults, however, still look mostly gray, unlike their Montezuma counterparts.
>Steve Fast


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