
Below are some of my highlights from a trip around the lake.  The visibility
was perfect today and there were lots of birds everywhere.

Location:     Game Farm and Compost Pile
Observation date:     9/26/10 805
Number of species:     8

Lesser Black-backed Gull     1     2nd-cycle; photos

Location:     Stewart Park
Observation date:     9/26/10 825
Number of species:     37

Bald Eagle     1
Merlin     1
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker     1
Golden-crowned Kinglet     1     new arrival
Nashville Warbler     1
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)     50
Blackpoll Warbler     3
Chipping Sparrow     3

Location:     Aurora South Bluffs
Observation date:     9/26/10 1047
Number of species:     20

Common Loon     33
Ring-billed Gull     5000     Huge lines along both shores of the lake;
especially concentrated near Goose Watch winery
Herring Gull     40
Lesser Black-backed Gull     1     adult
Great Black-backed Gull     2

Location:     Montezuma NWR--Towpath Rd.
Observation date:     9/26/10 1220-1520
Number of species:     63

Snow Goose     5     the lame bird plus four new arrivals
Black-bellied Plover     4     juvs
American Golden-Plover     11     juvs, flying overhead
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker     1     heard only; rare for this location.  The
only previous record is 9/30/07 by Leona Lauster.
Eastern Wood-Pewee     1     heard only; singing
Eastern Phoebe     2
Yellow-throated Vireo     1     **late
Blue-headed Vireo     1
Philadelphia Vireo     1     very bright yellow below; dark lores seen well
Red-eyed Vireo     1
Brown Creeper     1
House Wren     2
Winter Wren     1     calling
Golden-crowned Kinglet     2
Ruby-crowned Kinglet     3
Wood Thrush     1     pip-pip-pip call
American Pipit     2     flyovers
Tennessee Warbler     2
Nashville Warbler     8
Magnolia Warbler     1
Black-throated Blue Warbler     1     female
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)     4
Blackpoll Warbler     3
Common Yellowthroat     12
Wilson's Warbler     1     male
White-throated Sparrow     50
White-crowned Sparrow     2
Rose-breasted Grosbeak     1

Location:     Montezuma NWR--East Road
Observation date:     9/26/10 1600
Notes: I did not see a Gray Kingbird

Sandhill Crane     2     on mudflat
Black-bellied Plover     2
American Golden-Plover     9     flying around a lot
Semipalmated Plover     1
Semipalmated Sandpiper     1
Least Sandpiper     8
Pectoral Sandpiper     2
Indigo Bunting     1     singing

Location:     Montezuma NWR--Mays Point Pool
Observation date:     9/26/10 1618-1704
Number of species:     34

Green Heron     1
Osprey     1
Black-bellied Plover     1
Dunlin     1     adult
Stilt Sandpiper     3     juvs
Short-billed Dowitcher     1     juv
Long-billed Dowitcher     17     tight group close to the platform with the
Shovelers; calling occasionally
Wilson's Snipe     1
Winter Wren     1     **first record for Mays Pt.  Heard calling from wooded
area near boardwalk
Marsh Wren     1     singing; first Sept. record for Mays Pt.

Location:     Montezuma NWR--Tschache Pool
Observation date:     9/26/10 1710
Number of species:     26

American Wigeon     500
Blue-winged Teal     1
Northern Pintail     1500
Ring-necked Duck     6     males
Pectoral Sandpiper     1     heard only
Caspian Tern     1     adult; getting late
Purple Martin     1     **latest record for the Cayuga Basin in eBird;
photos.  I saw this bird overhead with Tree Swallows and heard it call once.

Location:     Montezuma NWR--Auto Loop
Observation date:     9/26/10 1800

Black-bellied Plover     1
American Golden-Plover     7     all juveniles; feeding in the new "moist
soil unit" at the end of the drive; photos
Solitary Sandpiper     2     still in the canal inflow at the beginning of
the drive
Lesser Yellowlegs     6
Pectoral Sandpiper     2
Brown-headed Cowbird     400

Location:     Deans Cove State Marine Park
Observation date:     9/26/10 1833-1850
Number of species:     13

Common Loon     35
Ring-billed Gull     8000     roosting in an expansive loose line down the
center of the lake
Lesser Black-backed Gull     1     adult; close to shore south of the jetty

Good birding
Tim Lenz
Web Applications Developer
Cornell Lab of Ornithology


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html
3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds

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