Hi All,

Here is an e-mail from Jeff Doyle, who asked that I share this with the


From Jeff:

No, I had no camera with me, so no photograph.

My wife and I hadn't been to Montezuma in a year or more. We had stopped at
the visitor's center and learned that the best birding was May's Point and
further north. We'd stopped at the observation tower opposite Tsache Pool,
then spent some time at the May's Point Pool before heading further north.
We'd never been to the Monument area before, and missed our turn the first
time before coming back and turning onto North May's Point Road. We stopped
at the intersection with East Road around 3:30, and I spotted a bird perched
on the telephone wire a few poles up East Road from the intersection.

My first thought was "kingfisher"--it seemed to have a disproportionately
large beak and head. But even a quick glance through binoculars dispelled
that thought, as it didn't have a crest. Next thought we had was "kingbird",
because the overall aspect was reminiscent--flycatcher posture, for example.
But no Eastern kingbird fieldmarks--uniform gray, no band on tail (though at
first I didn't get a good look at the tail, particularly), and, I thought,
larger size--more the size of a Great Crested, but not the coloration. We
drove up the road slowly, stopped and looked, but didn't get out, not
knowing the road and there not being an obvious place to pull off and park.
The bird stayed on the wire and we got good looks with our binoculars. My
next passing thought was "shrike"--overall gray, and perhaps I saw the dark
streak through the eye (though I don't remember noting it at the time), but
the overall shape was wrong and there wasn't the contrasting coloration of a
shrike or mockingbird. We drove a little closer and the bird was disturbed,
flew up (flycatcher like), and lighted again. At that time I distinctly
noticed the deeply notched tail, which was quite distinctive.

We hadn't brought our field guide, so I couldn't look it up there. We'd seen
what we could see of the bird, so we continued on to the Monument, and soon
headed back south, as we hadn't had anything to eat since breakfast. The
bird wasn't on the wire when we got back to the intersection.

When we got home, I looked it up in my Peterson's, and there just isn't
anything else that it could be, though of course I'm highly skeptical of
having seen a S. Florida/W. Indies species that is at best "casual to Long
Island and Nova Scotia" and is coastal even in Florida on a wire in upstate

We have no internet at home, and I couldn't find Mena Haribel (sp.?) in the
phone book, so the best I could do was walk over to Sapsucker yesterday

That's what I know!


On 9/26/10 2:20 PM, charles eldermire wrote:
Hello- Jeff Doyle stopped by the Lab to report a Gray King bird he
saw on Saturday at 330pm at the junction of East Rd and Mays Point rd
on a telephone wire. If you have questions contact Jeff at

charles. --

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Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html
3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds

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